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Kreirano: 03 Veljača 2014
Sve sigurnosne i protuprovalne folije posjeduju Europski cetifikat po BS EN 12600 normi. Radi se o testu udarnom metodom - klatnom testu. Sa određene visine spušta se teret određene težine koji svojom silinom udara u staklo sa zaljepljenom folijom. Točno su specificirane dimenzije okvira, kao i dimenzije uzorka (stakla sa folijom) na kojem se vrši testiranje. Na svim staklima naravno mora biti zaljepljena folija, te mora proći određeni vremenski period prije testiranja da se folija posuši.
Dimenzije okvira za prihvat stakla: širina 847mm +/-5mm, visina 1910mm +/-5mm
Dimenzije uzorka (stakla sa folijom): širina 876mm +/-2mm, visina 1938mm +/-3mm
Svaki test se ponavlja 4 puta.
Procedura testa po BS EN 12600 normi (izvorno na engleskom jeziku)
1. At the highest drop height the angle between the tent suspension cable & the bracket shall not be less than 14deg from horizontal
2. Testing shall start at the lowest drop height & increase up to the drop height appropriate to the class
3. Place the each test piece in the clamping frame so that its edges are encased in the rubber to a minimum depth of 10mm. When clamped, the rubber shall be compressed by not more than 20 % of its thickness
4. Inflate both impactor tyres to a pressure of 0.35± 0.02 Mpa. 3.5 Kgs
5. Raise the impactor to the lowest drop height & stabilize
6. Release the impactor so that it falls with a pendulum movement & without initial velocity. The direction of impact on the center of the test piece shall be normal to the surface. If the impactor strikes the test piece more than once the test shall be deemed to be invalid
7. Impact Levels: Classification 3 - drop height 190mm; Classification 2 - drop height 450mm; Classification 1 - drop height 1200mm
8. Release the impactor so that it falls with a pendular movement & without initial velocity
9. Inspect the test piece after impact
10.If all four test pieces either do not break or else break according to the test requirements given criteria Clause 4 & it is required to test material to a higher impact level
Drop Height Class
Class- 1 Material that conforms the Test requirement at drop heights of 190 mm, 450 mm & 1200mm
Class -2 Material that conforms the Test requirement at drop heights of 190 mm, 450 mm
Class -3 Material that conforms the Test requirement at drop heights of 190 mm
Mode of Breakage
Type A:- Numerous cracks appear forming separate fragments with sharp edges, some of which are large.
Type B:- Numerous cracks appear, But the fragments hold together and do not separate.
Type C :- Disintegration occurs , leading to large number of small particles that are relatively harmless.
Class 1B : Class 1 represents Material that conforms the Test requirement at drop heights of 190 mm, 450 mm & 1219mm & B represents Breakage mode i.e. Numerous cracks appear, But the fragments hold together and do not separate.
Test udarnom metodom - klatni test
Primjerak cetifikata